Thursday, 22 September 2011


Well, we made it safe and sound back to Illinois. There were a few people that wanted our fall schedule.  We will be at the Big E, Keystone, MGLI and Royal. So there are four shows left, lots of time to come out and see us still!

Big E Draft Show: Springfeild, Mass.- Sept. 29- Oct. 2
Keystone Livestock Expo: Harrisburg, Pa- Oct. 6-8
Mi. Great Lakes International: East Lansing, Mi- Oct. 13-16
Royal Ag. Fair: Toronto, On Canada- Nov. 4-13

If you are coming to visit us at a show and you want to make sure you see a certain class, please let me know and I can send you a copy of the schedule or if you look these shows up online most of them have the show schedule posted as well. Look forwad to seeing you there!

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